Wednesday, May 16, 2007

China Matters cited in McClatchy reporting on Banco Delta Asia

From Kevin Hall, Bank owner disputes money-laundering allegations, McClatchy Newspapers Washington Bureau, May 17, 2007:

"In the next couple of years, the Bank was periodically contacted by other U.S. government agents and we cooperated in their inquiries," Au said in a statement to the Treasury first published by China Matters, an Internet blog.

The full texts of the petition from Delta Asia Group and Stanley Au’s supporting personal statement to the U.S. Treasury Department requesting that its rule against Banco Delta Asia be rescinded, and an analysis of the key points involved, can be found in the post Stanley Au Makes His Case for Banco Delta Asia by clicking on this link.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The US bank to be used has been identified.

Wachovia Corp. said yesterday that it is considering a request from the State Department to transfer tainted money tied to North Korea from an overseas bank blacklisted earlier this year by the Treasury Department.

Needless to say, UST is doing nothing to help.

Who is responsible for US foreign policy; the President/State Dept or the UST?