George W. Bush destroyed the state and army of Iraq, but it
was located within a constellation of relatively powerful and capable states
interested in some form of stability or control. The United States also poured massive doses
of money and power into Iraq in an attempt to influence its outcomes.
However, when the US pitched in to “lead from behind” and
destroy the Libyan state at Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s urging, even
though Libya was surrounded by relatively vulnerable, at-risk states unable or
unwilling to project power beyond their borders, the U.S. refused to go “Pottery
Barn”, to use Colin Powell’s analogy, and fill the power vacuum in Libya with
its own forces.
The United States did worse than just walk away. In a misguided and morally and intellectually
lazy (my opinion!) gambit it tried to “export” its way out of the Libyan
problem by supporting the migration of destabilizing elements, i.e. the Islamist
fighters who had brought down Qaddafi, to another adventure in Syria. Now, with the Syrian project faltering despite
5 years of foreign-funded Islamist insurrection, Libya has emerged
as a preferred destination not only for returning Libyan fighters, but also a
growing population of transnational fighters from dozens of countries.
Security analysts are quietly flummoxed about the
establishment of the Islamist fighter “colony” in Libya, because after three
decades of cynically exploiting Islamist fighters as a deniable asset against
the Soviet Union and uncooperative secular regimes, the number of transnational
Islamist fighters has roughly quintupled.
Fact is, the number probably more than doubled in the last couple years
alone, thanks to the competing recruitment efforts of Saudi Arabia, Qatar,
Turkey, and ISIS in the Syria/Iraq theater.
The inability to stop the growth in foreign fighters in the old-fashioned way by killing them in various battlefields is probably behind the well-funded US interest in the seemingly bizarre, ineffectual, and rather desperate anti-recruitment propaganda/psyops/Twitter wars blanketing the Internet, as well as the announcement that Hollywood has enlisted in the “anti-ISIS” struggle.
The inability to stop the growth in foreign fighters in the old-fashioned way by killing them in various battlefields is probably behind the well-funded US interest in the seemingly bizarre, ineffectual, and rather desperate anti-recruitment propaganda/psyops/Twitter wars blanketing the Internet, as well as the announcement that Hollywood has enlisted in the “anti-ISIS” struggle.
Dealing with the transnational fighter migration to Libya is
kinda tough, you know, because we destroyed the Libyan state & army, didn’t
replace those power factors with our own troops, nobody else has the juice to
restore order, and so the primary military forces are the Islamist militias
themselves. And Libya is surrounded by
shaky states that offer attractive secondary refuge/employment opportunities
for Islamist militias whether or not the US/NATO campaign to restore a
semblance of national authority in Libya through bombing/proxies/stern rhetoric
This cavalier disregard for the consequences of the Libyan
war indicates that Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State with an army of wonk
and advisors and spooks, did not grasp one of the essential lessons of the Iraq
invasion and its trillion-dollar aftermath.
Or she anticipated the outcome and didn’t care which, in terms of her
brief to act as steward of America’s interests, is probably worse.
Heckuva job, Hillary.
But Job One is dealing with an even more important problem:
the threat the Libya fiasco might pose to Hillary Clinton’s presidential
In an apparent effort to help Hillary Clinton shed the
signature incubus of her tenure as Secretary of State, the New York Times ran
a two-parter which rather generously slotted the Libya disaster into the
“we meant well” category. Secretary
Clinton didn’t agree to an interview for the story but a key foreign policy
advisor at the time and, I imagine, helpful surrogate for the purposes of this
piece, Anne-Marie Slaughter, contributed the observation that Clinton was
guilty of the sin of “getting caught trying” i.e. trying to accomplish great
things but coming up short.
I have a lot of problems with this framing and the piece in
general, to put it mildly. I think a
good title reflecting its basic theme would be “White World’s Failed Crusade in
Libya: How Silly and Shortsighted Browns Screwed Up the Nice Democracy NATO and
the U.S. Tried to Give Them”. However,
my main gripe is that it completely and, I suspect, intentionally disregards
the context of the Libyan adventure: a disastrous U.S. alliance with the Gulf
autocracies intent on a) nailing Gaddafi and b) responding to the challenge of
the Arab Spring with a Sunni counterrevolution reliant on Islamist fighters
instead of “boots on the ground”.
But let’s leave that question to the philosophers and
consider an interesting and dire consequence of the Libyan campaign: how the US not only helped created a failed
state haven for Islamist fighters but tried to export its problem to Syria and
only made matters much much worse.
Amazingly, US foreign policy is still hooked on irregular
Islamist fighters--to the extent of cooperating with al-Qaeda after 9/11
(please read
this before judging if I’m engaging in hyperbole)-- even as Islamist
fighters continue to spread death and chaos around the world. I guess in think tank land it’s a problem
that “we’ll get right the next time” so “let’s make sure there’s a next time”.
However, it turns out that Islamic fighters are a bit like
the national debt. They’re almost
impossible to retire, and the easiest solution is to roll them over into
another conflict and, in the process, create more Islamic fighters.
In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if one reason Islamist
fighters have wreaked havoc all over the Eastern Hemisphere in the last quarter
century is their patrons can’t figure out any endgame for them other than
shipping them off to another conflict.
Since we shrink from overtly backing these groups, we never
feel obligated to address this issue, at least in public.
But it’s clear neither hosts nor patrons of jihadi fighters want them to hang around once
they’ve outlived their usefulness; “reprogramming” them as docile citizens of
their country of origin doesn’t work very well; and the easy solution is to
kick the can down the road i.e. send the fighters off to some other convenient
conflict. Saudi Arabia seems addicted to
this formula and is always looking forward to a jihad opportunity for cranky
militants who might otherwise target its incompetent autocracy.
And maybe not just Saudi Arabia, as this interesting perspective on how the
Russian Federation may have addressed its disgruntled Dagestani problem:
Why do the intelligence
services of many countries including Russia not stop people who go join IS? How
did Nadir abu Khalid [a charismatic preacher tracked by the
security services] get to
IS?...Look at Dagestan. Before our
mosques were full of people and lessons were conducted by people like
Nadir…People flocked to Islam, constantly learned and the infidels were in a
panic and did not know what do to. And
what now? All gone, no lessons, there
are almost no calls, at the pulpits there are only “peaceful” types…
And for Turkey, it muddles along in a state of barely
concealed anxiety about its “chickens”—the thousands of fighters it allegedly
funded and imported into Syria—coming home to roost as the fortunes of the twin
insurrections in Iraq and Syria wither under a combined Russian, Syrian,
Hezbollah, Iraqi, and Iranian assault leavened with some Western airstrikes.
And, make no mistake, foreign fighters are on the move.
Torn from the headlines, here’s General Breedlove, the NATO
honcho, addressing
the flows out of Syria on March 1:
But criminality, terrorism and foreign fighters in there. The numbers, recently I've seen reported, are numbers I had not seen in the past, but some are reporting now that they believe as many as 9,000 fighters have gone and as much as 1,500 fighters have returned back to Europe. That's not our numbers, but that's the numbers I'm seeing widely reported.
In my opinion, the key perspective on the Islamist militant migration
problem is not scary browns menacing Europe (or Breedlove’s efforts to spin the
flood of refugees and fighters out of Syria and Iraq as a Russian attack on
NATO members); it’s the creation of a tag-team dynamic between various
terrorist battlefields and their core, the ultimate terrorist safe haven that
has emerged in Libya.
Libya serves this function because the United States not
only destroyed the secular, hostile-to-Islamists government; it went the extra
mile to empower Islamists both by arming them during the anti-Qaddafi
insurrection and by then declining to occupy Libya and slug it out with the
locals as the US military did in Iraq post 2003.
Result: a failed state with few effective local or foreign
institutions capable of displacing Islamist fighters.
The problem appears to have been exacerbated instead of
resolved by a makework solution: exporting Libyan fighters out of country to conduct
generously-compensated mayhem in Syria.
In my opinion, Libyan Islamist fighters—and the
catastrophically failed scheme to dump them in Syria--are the genuine skeleton
in Hillary Clinton’s closet.
Qaddafi was no friend of Libyan Islamists and not a few of
them became radicalized fighters who fought all over Asia until the Libya
regime change campaign provided a local outlet for their energies. They formed the core force, supported by
US/NATO/GCC air and special operations forces, which overthrew Gaddafi.
However, relations between key Islamist commanders and the United States were relatively fraught.
During the brief rapprochement between Qaddafi's Libya and the West, the US and UK had helpfully renditioned some key Libyan Islamists from overseas havens into the hands of Qaddafi; these leaders were subsequently released by Saif Qaddafi as part of a conciliation process that turned out to be, to say the least, ineffective. The released detainees were promptly and generously patronized by Gulf sponsors and received money, arms, and training that were critical to the overthrow of Qaddafi. They might have been enthusiastic anti-Qaddafi assets, but by no stretch of the imagination could they be considered tractable US proxies in the post-Qaddafi period.
Notably, after the deposition of Qaddafi in 2011, both Libyan fighters and leaders found their way to Syria in bulk. Solidarity with Sunni Islam against another apostate potentate undoubtedly played a role, but the United States was apparently anxious to give the US-backed civilian government of Mustafa Abdul Jalil some breathing space.
During the brief rapprochement between Qaddafi's Libya and the West, the US and UK had helpfully renditioned some key Libyan Islamists from overseas havens into the hands of Qaddafi; these leaders were subsequently released by Saif Qaddafi as part of a conciliation process that turned out to be, to say the least, ineffective. The released detainees were promptly and generously patronized by Gulf sponsors and received money, arms, and training that were critical to the overthrow of Qaddafi. They might have been enthusiastic anti-Qaddafi assets, but by no stretch of the imagination could they be considered tractable US proxies in the post-Qaddafi period.
Notably, after the deposition of Qaddafi in 2011, both Libyan fighters and leaders found their way to Syria in bulk. Solidarity with Sunni Islam against another apostate potentate undoubtedly played a role, but the United States was apparently anxious to give the US-backed civilian government of Mustafa Abdul Jalil some breathing space.
Hakim Belhadj, one of the renditioned Islamists, a veteran commander who received
planeloads of aid from Qatar, whose Tripoli Brigade had broken through to the
capital, occupied it, and administered it, and hoped to become Minister of
Defense in the new order, was instead encouraged to take his talents to Syria—via
Turkey on a ship with 400 tons of munitions.
By early 2012, the US and GCC had responded to the collapse of the local
Syrian democratic revolution by turning
unambiguously to a strategy of foreign-supported insurrection using
imported Islamist muscle and supplying them in part through the Libya ratline described
by Seymour Hersh.
I wouldn’t be surprised if this was regarded as the
cleverest of clever tricks: channeling Libyan fighters to Syria where they
would become Assad’s headache instead of our headache: two birds with one
Libyan fighters established a significant presence in Syria,
providing training to inexperienced locals as well as serving as a fighting force
eventually organized as the Katibat al-Battar brigade. The brigade provided a home for a variety of
European militants (the Libyan dialect is intelligible to the European
descendants of Moroccan and Algerian immigrants who form the backbone of the
radical Islamic groups in France and Belgium).
Its Euro-alumni formed
the core of the group that perpetrated the Paris outrage in November 2015.
How’s that for blowback?
Understandably, the idea that the Paris attackers were
nurtured by the same bunch we used to overthrow Gaddafi and then shipped to
Syria in a clever little trick is a little too much bitter moral culpability to
sweeten the West’s morning café au lait, so the Libyan angle is downplayed to
emphasize the role of big bad ISIS to an almost ludicrous degree.
For that matter, the assault on the Benghazi US government
annex that killed Ambassador Stephens is also unconvincingly dismissed as one
of those inexplicable outbursts in Libya’s Wild East implicating an “eccentric,
malcontent” Islamist and a stupid movie.
The whole incident feels a bit different—and demands a more
sophisticated explanation--when it’s characterized as violent dispute involving
the US government and unknown interlocutors (just the fighters? What about their backers in the GCC or
Turkey?) at a key MENA regional directorate and depot for export of fighters
and material to Syria.
Maybe the US government knows the real reason why over 100
Islamist fighters stormed a CIA annex in a carefully planned operation—did
somebody want to push the US and its qualms about delivering heavy weapons and
MANPADs to Syria out of the way?-- but doesn’t really want to talk about it.
Now the original fighters are coming home to Libya with their stature enhanced, their skills and connections upgraded, and their perspectives internationalized.
Now the original fighters are coming home to Libya with their stature enhanced, their skills and connections upgraded, and their perspectives internationalized.
On top of homeward bound emigres, Libya can also attract a growing
population of footloose transnational fighters brought into being by
lavish Gulf and Turkish support of
paramilitaries in Syria, and the fruits of an ISIS strategy to bulk up
the Iraq/Syria Caliphate through the import of amateur enthusiasts as
well as experienced
fighters from around the world.
In addition, ISIS has taken advantage of the assets
and opportunities offered by Libya to port its foreign-fighter driven
insurrection model to the Libya platform and build a local operation from the
ground up using freshly-recruited foreign fighters from places like Tunisia, Morocco, and Algeria.
Instead of disappearing into the maw of the Syrian conflict, our Libyan Islamist proxies are coming home, and bringing a lot of new buddies to operate in the Libyan chaos that was somehow supposed to get fixed while they were gone.
Beyond the hopefully obvious point that the United States
has completely lost the plot when it comes to controlling, managing, and
directing the murderous energies of Islamist fighters, I have another
observation about the unappreciated consequences of an unacknowledged
multi-decade rolling clusterf*ck:
The number of transnational fighters is getting bigger. It used to be there was a hard core of a few
hundred to a few thousand Islamist fighters who would show up to help the
locals in their struggle against the infidel du jour; now it’s tens of
And I think the Western security wonks are quietly going
apesh*t over the fact that the reservoir of foreign fighters keeps growing even
as JSOC whacks ‘em retail and the military campaign in Syria & Iraq takes
‘em out wholesale.
As the Jamestown Institute noted:
A March 2015 report
commissioned by the United Nations Security Council found that the number of
foreign fighters for Islamist causes worldwide was higher than it has ever been
and had soared by 71 percent between mid-2014 and March 2015. The study
concluded that Syria and Iraq, by far the biggest destinations for foreign
fighters, had become a “finishing school for extremists.”
I am indebted to a master’s thesis prepared by Colonel
Dallas Shaw, Libyan Foreign Fighters and Their Effects on
the Libyan Revolution for some historical context.
Apparently, a total of perhaps 25-30,000 Arab fighters
cycled through Afghanistan during the anti-Soviet war, with perhaps 3,000 to
4,000 present at any one time.
They mainly came from
seven countries: Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Yemen, Syria, Algeria, Libya, and Morocco. In
Afghanistan, they were a small part of big local effort (perhaps as many as a
quarter million mujahedeen supported by hundreds of millions of dollars in
foreign funding).
Colonel Shaw endorses the theory
that foreign fighters have the biggest impact when they return to their home
countries, which is, of course bad news for Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Yemen, Syria,
Algeria, Libya, and Morocco.
Therefore, it was something of a
relief in the homelands, I expect, when some Arab veterans of Aghanistan found their way to Chechnya, which was
considered to be a potential replay of Afghanistan, i.e. defending a Muslim
polity from Russian oppression.
Even a small number of
hardened fighters can make a big difference.
Al Qaeda’s Ibn al-Khattab took over effective control of the Chechen
insurrection in the early part of this century with less than 1000 experienced
and effectively led Arab fighters who had learned the ropes in Afghanistan. In the process, al Qaeda's veterans trained a bunch of
Chechen fighters.
And guess what! When the Chechnya/Dagestan effort foundered
under a remorseless Russian assault, a cadre of Chechen fighters became
available to the international jihadi effort. Chechen fighters allegedly went as far afield
as Afghanistan to fight with the Taliban. By 2005, Chechen fighters were unambiguously established
among forces fighting the US occupation in Iraq.
a graphic
illustration of the multi-conflict continuity of the Islamist fighter
culture, by 2014 Chechens were "one of the four pillars of ISIS", and a
Chechen, Tarkhan Batirashvili,, a.k.a.. “Omar
al-Shishani” or “Omar the Chechen” had been designated as the military
commander of ISIS.
In other words, a
fighter in a second-generation conflict, Chechnya, which had been seeded by the
first generation of fighters out of Afghanistan, was now not only fighting in
but leading a third-generation conflict in Iraq/Syria.
In 2005, Andrew Cordesmann and
Nawaf Obaid estimated there were 3000 foreign fighters opposing the US occupation in Iraq, perhaps 4-10% of the total force.
And what’s going on
In all, between 27,000
and 31,000 foreign fighters from 86 countries have travelled to Iraq and Syria, the
Soufan Group said, compared with a figure of about 12,000 foreign fighters in
Syria when it last published a similar study in June 2014.
The Soufan Group added
that between 20 and 30% of foreign fighters were returning to their home
countries, creating major challenges for domestic security agencies as Isis in
particular looks to carry out an increasing number of attacks overseas.
So, despite the JSOC,
air strike, and drone-powered campaign to, depending on your perspective,
either rip out terrorism at its roots or retire embarrassing assets, I’m guesstimating
here, the number of foreign fighters in Syria and Iraq today are four to five
times as many as were present at any single time in Afghanistan during the
anti-Soviet effort, or in Iraq during the campaign against the US.
That’s a lot of
fighters, even assuming there’s a large percentage of hapless cannon fodder,
which is apparently ISIS’ preferred use for the inexperienced enthusiasts it
recruits wholesale through local scouts and the Internet, as these purported recollections of a disgruntled
Dagestani jihadi on the Chechens in Syria website indicate.
And note, when Breedlove
talks about fighters leaving Syria, they aren’t necessarily leaving in body
bags. Globally, we’re not seeing a
measurable reduction in the number of Islamist fighters. They’re just going home or, if they can’t go
home, they’re ending up in other more hospitable jurisdictions.
The U.S. now estimates that the number of ISIS fighters in Iraq and Syria has decreased to between 19,000 and 25,000
resulting from battlefield deaths and a reduced flow of foreign fighters into
Syria. Yet, as ISIS numbers have been reduced in Iraq and Syria, they have
increased in Libya to 5,000 where ISIS has seen an increased flow of foreign
fighters, U.S. officials said today.
The number of ISIS fighters in Libya was previously estimated at 2,000
to 3,000, the official said, speculating that there might be a correlation
between the new ISIS estimates in Iraq/Syria and Libya as it’s getting harder
for foreign fighters to get into Syria and that they may be diverting to Libya
as a result.
Libyan fighters allied with ISIS already went back to Libya to
establish a beachhead for the organization a couple years ago in the Islamists’
stomping grounds of Benghazi and Derna.
Now that things in Syria and Iraq are, to put it mildly, going rather
poorly for Islamist fighters, more of them are headed off to Libya, allegedly
with assistance from Turkey and the Gulf States.
It's not just footsoldiers looking for a Libyan hidey-hole.
On February 11, 2016, the Daily Mail announced that Omar al-Shishani, the Chechen in charge of ISIS’ military operations, had apparently arrived in Libya in a 14 car convoy. So he can carry on the Afghan/Chechen/Iraq & Syria tradition to a new generation of conflicts in North Africa!
It's not just footsoldiers looking for a Libyan hidey-hole.
On February 11, 2016, the Daily Mail announced that Omar al-Shishani, the Chechen in charge of ISIS’ military operations, had apparently arrived in Libya in a 14 car convoy. So he can carry on the Afghan/Chechen/Iraq & Syria tradition to a new generation of conflicts in North Africa!
And not only that, Abdelhakim Belhadj—the strongman we shipped
to Syria because he was too much of a handful for the civilian government in
Tripoli--is back! Belhadj is a military mainstay of the General
National Congress (GNC) the faction holding down the Tripoli end of a pretty
much de facto partitioned Libya.
In more news of the burgeoning Libya Islamist franchise, Al Jazeera, which indefatigably stooged for Qatar-backed Islamists in
Libya during the anti-Qaddafi operation, reported that Qaddafi’s home town of Sirte is now in
the hands of ISIS, specifically in the hands of foreign fighters predominantly
from North Africa. So it looks like ISIS
has ported its “recruit in bulk” strategy for foreign fighters out of Syria and
into the more favorable environment of Libya.
America's swing at neutralizing Libyan militants through a "fight abroad" program in Syria looks like a spectacular screwup.
Clearly, with the US & NATO apparently short both on will and capable proxies, let alone an effective Libyan army, and without an effective and anxious neighbor like Iran (Egypt apparently unwilling or unable to try to set things right), Libya has emerged as a haven for Islamist fighters.
Clearly, with the US & NATO apparently short both on will and capable proxies, let alone an effective Libyan army, and without an effective and anxious neighbor like Iran (Egypt apparently unwilling or unable to try to set things right), Libya has emerged as a haven for Islamist fighters.
Instead of disappearing into the maw of the Syrian conflict, our Libyan Islamist proxies are coming home, and bringing a lot of new buddies to operate in the Libyan chaos that was somehow supposed to get fixed while they were gone.
The US botched execution of two simultaneous regime change
gambits has fostered the creation of a durable colony of Islamist fighters in
what used to be Libya, one that looks uniquely dangerous and difficult for the
US to contain or eradicate.
Libya, thanks to the
grim dynamics of Islamic insurgency, Gulf cupidity, and Western malign neglect, has become established as the key host and
supplier and resupplier and recruiter of transnational
fighters and the numbers are
increasing. It’s not just a full circle
for Hillary Clinton, it’s an escalating spiral, one that she probably doesn’t
feel like celebrating.
The US
and NATO are anxiously trying to come up with a plan to neutralize Islamist
fighters in Libya, without explaining to the public or itself how it’s going to
do that with the complete absence of a national government and functioning army
and without putting foreign boots on the ground—and avoid admitting that the
deposition of Qaddafi created a worse crisis than the one we were allegedly
trying to resolve.
But the consequences of this particular fiasco are more than
the usual litany of US failure, mismanagement of murderous proxies, well-concealed embarrassment, and massive loss
of local life that blots the US Middle East copybook like a trail of blood
Nowadays Libya-wise we get maps that look like this as the
militants, conveniently and centrally located in the heart of Muslim Africa,
not only pitch in to fight the civil
war against Tripoli-based Islamists and the Qaddafi-regime retreads that the US
is now vainly hoping will restore order, but also pursue mischief in North Africa:
Let’s number some interesting consequences that conventional
reporting/think tankers appear rather loath to confront, largely because the
problem grew out of the morally and strategically lazy reliance on arm’s length
Islamist fighters to do the geopolitical dirty work from Afghanistan onward—and
the inability to permanently retire them.
First, there is a
sizable cadre of transnational Islamist fighters.
Second, the cadre appears to get bigger with every conflict.
Third, the disruption this cadre causes looks to become
bigger and bigger as it feeds on fresh conflicts.
Fourth, thanks to the irresponsible decision to go regime
change on the cheap simultaneously in Libya and Syria using Islamist assets, we
seem to have a deadly dynamic where the Islamists can trade off between Middle
Eastern and North African havens/battlegrounds.
Containment is a fantasy; we are looking at chasing militants over
multiple fronts in a number of failed/failing/distressed states.
Fifth, the will is lacking to engage in a truly ugly no
holds barred hemispheric war to eradicate this cadre. On one end of the spectrum, you’ve got
sponsors quite rightly terrified that their proxies will come home and turn on
them (and probably covertly throwing money at them to keep them happy and their
activities directed elsewhere); on the other, you’ve got a global hegemon loath to put "boots on the ground".
Sixth, an understandable instinct is to kick the can down
the road, i.e. hope/help the fighters get distracted by some remote conflict,
even though it feeds the beast and lets the problem grow bigger.
Kicking the can into Libya is the worst possible
strategy if anybody’s serious about trying to eliminate Islamist fighters as a
global security priority. Who’s gonna
slug it out on behalf of the secular/national forces? General Haftar, currently running some regime
in Tobruk with one foot in Egypt? The
GCC, hopelessly bogged down in Yemen?
The US, EU, and NATO, who want to pretend Libya is roadkill in the rear
view mirror and not a T. Rex of Islamist fighters gaining on the West?
I have a terrible feeling that Muslim Africa is the next
region to get mauled. The inevitable
strategic brainwave is to quietly bomb & drone the cr*p out of Libya,
but even if the Islamist fighters are put on the defensive, they’ll just slop
over into a neighboring vulnerable at risk-state. Libya borders on six such states. That might be too big a mess even for Africom
to want to dip its boot in.
I wonder if US strategists appreciate the fact that it was
only thanks to the resolve, unity, and national capacity of Iran that the heart
of the Middle East is experiencing even a modicum of stabilization after two
US-sponsored sh*t shows. Unfortunately,
there’s no Iran down by Libya, there’s just Egypt. Good luck with that.
Seventh, no need to wonder why PRC is paranoid
about Xinjiang. I’m sure there are
natsec geniuses in a number of Western capitals (I’ll include Ankara in the
category) who think pumping some fighters—including Uyghur formations Erdogan
had thoughtfully inserted into northern Syria--into Afpak/Central Asia would
be the best way to ease their local pressure & put some heat on the PRC. The PRC’s response will be to pave the entire
AR if necessary to contain the problem, instead of letting it spin out of
control as the US did in MENA. Anybody,
whether of the cynical realist, romantic nationalist, Islamist enthusiast, or
sentimental people-gotta-be free persuasion, who yearns for an Islamist-tinged
rebellion in Xinjiang is criminally irresponsible. In my opinion.
We talk about the litany of US failure in Iraq under George
W. Bush as a lost decade of catastrophe, with good reason.
But more and more it looks like the US adventure in Libya
was a disaster with even more dire global consequences. It not only ruined that country; it turned
Islamist fighters into a metastasizing transnational problem that will destabilize
Africa and torment the world for at least another decade.
I don’t know how actively the United States supported the
export of Libyan fighters to Syria, and if and how much it wrung its hands as
the GCC and Turkey ran the ratline. It
appears that the Obama administration did not share Turkey and the GCC’s
enthusiasm for inflating the number of local and foreign forces inside Syria
and Iraq as a recipe for victory. Judging
by news reports, ISIS came up with the idea of mass recruiting of low quality
jihadi wannabes in bulk on its own.
But as the movement of transnational Islamist fighters
enters its fifth generation stage in North Africa, it looks like the key
mistake was destroying the Libyan state, putting nothing in its place, and
allowing it to be colonized by a growing number of Islamist fighters.
And Hillary owns that.
1 – 200 of 234 Newer› Newest»America is responsible of these wars and terrorism.
International politics
Sorry you are wrong. Chaos and disaster does not count for failure among US political establishment and their masters. That's what they are aiming at.So Libya's present condition is an achievement for them. Stop portraying USA ruling elite as stupid and incompetent. You are helping them by fostering a false perception of them. In contrary they are extremely dangerous and canning and they've been very successful so far.
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